Notre but?
Réunir les rideuses de la région romande afin de créer une communauté et d'encourager la pratique des sports de glisse auprès de la population féminine. Une à deux fois par mois, le Crew propose une sortie glisse ou évènement associé au ride. L'esprit de l'association est inclusif, bienveillant et fun.
The history of the Curved Lines Crew
The Curved Lines Crew was born from the observation of the two co-founders, Marie and Eugénie, that no network exists between girls who share the same passion: that of skiing, whatever it may be. A beer in hand (because good stories start like that*), they meet at an association support event, both of them the only female representatives of their riding association. They find themselves cool, decide that they will go together and deplore the lack of means to find nice girls with whom to go out.
A few days later, during an exam session on the Lausanne campus, the Curved Lines Crew project was launched. The project grew and became an association on November 14, 2021. Today it brings together the first participants who have found in the project an energy that they want to develop. Each member allows by his action to extend the activities and to reach a larger part of French-speaking people who are passionate about skiing from the age of 16.